Zen Warship Returns with “The Renewal”
Zen Warship released their debut album, “Anything that Grooves”, in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic. As soon as restrictions started to recede and it was safe for the band to meet again, they went at it full-force. Since 2022, the band has been working hard towards their return. They’ve been playing venues all over DC, recruiting new members, and revamping – or should I say, renewing – their sound.
Their first album is clearly defined by its funk sound. While that still shows up in The Renewal, the band introduces ska and soul themes into the mix. This delectable blend, composed by Zach Forbes, creates the strongest part of the new album – the new horn-line up. With each listen to the album, I found something new to love with the horns. They really shine through on the last track of the album, “Outside.” The horn-heavy introduction, and the punctuation it provides to the lyrics really highlight the ska influence on this new album.
In a press release for the album, guitarist and producer Tyler Moselle called the album a “renewal of our sound and well-being.” This emotional renewal comes through new member Emre Tufekcioglu’s well-crafted songwriting. Many of the songs are therapeutic vent-pieces. They bring with them a cathartic listening experience. Vocalist Preethy Kolinjavadi really emphasizes this sense of frustration, while the jovial horns in the background let that frustration go. The collaboration of the two parts brings a coming-to-terms and a promise for the better.
In all, the album is a short, fun listen. It takes twenty-five minutes to make it from the first track, “Get Better” to the finale “Outside”, and each minute is nothing short of enjoyable.
“This song” is available now on major streaming platforms like YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music.
The D.C.-based band released their sophomore album, “The Renewal”, on June 30th.