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Jazz Singer Elena Mîndru Breaks Cultural Borders with “RUN AWAY”

By Linc Bradham

Professionalism, passion, and pure quality. Elena Mîndru embodies all three of these to a level that seems destined for stardom. It doesn’t appear to do Mîndru’s artistry justice to compare her to anyone else, but if someone had to…she gracefully tiptoes a fine line between Adele and Sarah Bareilles. Even more than that, the Romanian powerhouse now based in Finland embodies an image that is new, radical, and all her very own.

The second single, RUN AWAY, from her newest album, Hope, weaves soundscapes for Mîndru to bring you sonic bliss and blessings, with support from a team of stellar musicians and production engineers. It is every bit as polished as anything in the popular music world today, and it will be incredible to see where Mîndru goes next. Experience RUN AWAY here.

This track has been added to our Alchemical Weekly YouTube Playlist

Linc Bradham

Linc Bradham

Linc Bradham is an American multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, audio engineer, and songwriter originally from Savannah, GA. He has resided in the DMV for the last three years and has served in the active-duty Army for the last 12 years. He is in the process of switching Army careers into the Army Field Band as an audio engineering professional, with long-term goals of promoting music education in America and the Middle East.

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